“SELLER DISCLOSURE” How Much Should You Disclose?

The Tierney Team

The Home Seller Disclosure Laws in the State of Michigan require the Seller to disclose any latent defects of the property they are selling in writing. An actual “Sellers Disclosure Form” is provided by the state of Michigan to be completed in totality by the Seller and should be provided to any interested buying party at the very first opportunity.

This form is very specific about the items that are absolutely required by law for the seller to disclose.

There are a few reasons that a Seller should make proper disclosure to any interested potential buyer…

First and foremost… it’s the right thing to do for a myriad of reasons.

Second…It’s the Law!

Third…If done properly and thoroughly it will significantly reduce a Sellers Liability in a buy and sell transaction.

Further, beyond the items a Seller is required to disclose by the State of Michigan what else…

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